End of The Semester Burn-out…



If it hasn’t already happened, it’s coming…

Say Hello to the End of the Semester Burn-out, for it’s bound to welcome you with opens arms, shower you with late nights and early mornings of caffeine and tired eyes. Even your brain will turn on you during this time, but it’s okay. This is only proof that you’ve worked your butt off to earn that ‘A‘ or ‘C‘.

Fear not, your burn-out is a sign of the good that’s ahead, and soon you will have earned your title of being an academic athlete. That’s right, your brain is a muscle and like any other muscle in the body it needs to worked-out and exercised. Therefore, if you’re experiencing brain fatigue and or mental burn-out it’s perfectly natural. What you must keep in mind is balance. We often neglect to treat our mind like it is a muscle and therefore, it must be treated as such, so give that hard-working brain of yours a rest.

Here are a few simple tips to maintain your sanity:

  • Change your scenery, if you’re used to studying in a library or in your room alone, it’s time to change it up. Go to a local coffee shop and sit next to a window, try Barnes & Nobles, Create a small study group and study outdoors.
  • Take a small rest, let your mind stop, do lazy brain activities like watch TV, go see a movie or talk on the phone with a classmate or fold clothes.
  • Last but not least Breathe… Before you know it your semester will be over.

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