Get Fit or Die Tryin…


What does it take to make a real change? Everyday we restart the diet weight loss clock. We eat healthy, at times we deprive ourselves from the foods we love. We cry, we sacrifice and then we eat, we feel guilty. We pray, we promise to change. But we never do…



After gaining over 100 lbs. I knew that I had to make a decision. The options were clear, have weight loss surgery, or lose the weight naturally. Those were or are my choices, there is no magic pill, no quick fix that doesn’t come with long-term side effects, good or bad. Overall, I wanted to feel and look healthy. I am tired of being overweight and wearing ugly clothes that make me look and feel 20 years older than I am. Not to mention, that I would love to wear heels again. See, these are the silent issues we overweight gals deal with. It ain’t pretty and it sure is NOT comfortable.

My story begins in the fall of 2013, I’d decided to get the weight loss surgery. I’d done plenty of research, talk to people who have the surgery, watched YouTube videos, and saw their results. I was ready, my doctor recommended the Adjustable Band, I wanted the Sleeve. There were too many issues with the Adjustable Band, including slippage and infection which is expected with all surgeries. My next step was to do blood work, surprisingly, my numbers were superb, I was low on Vitamin D and that was all. Secretly, I was hoping for bad news, hoping it would push me to want to change. It was at this point, I decided to opt out of having the surgery.

I kept thinking of the issues the surgery may create by having the surgery. My love of food and certain beverages stuck out as well. What if I could no longer have my Cappuccinos or Caffeine fixes, how about cheese. I thought of having access skin. I reminded myself that I wouldn’t be fixing the problem at hand, which was overeating.

This was my mindset, and I could not kick the junky, sweetie, fried food. It wasn’t until my back began to ache as though I IMG_1056was in a wrestling match and lost. I knew it was my weight, I have 2 herniated disc from a car accident that took place 13 years ago. The fact of the matter is, that I needed to get focused and so I did… Check back weekly for my progress and or feel free to join me.