Guilty Pleasures… What’s Yours?


So what is it about this eating thing that brings us pleasure the very moment food touches our lips. The aroma draws us in, we softly close our eyes and imagine the taste and texture. Our guards are down and before you know it, you’re open… It’s like a booty call at 3am, and it becomes a battle of being good, or having a small taste and being naughty. Naughty wins, as you head to the kitchen in the dark, you don’t even bother with turning on the lights. You don’t want anyone to see or hear you. You softly open the cabinets, then the frig, then the cabinets again, then back to the frig… Should you have fruit, how about some Greek Yogurt, a spoon full of peanut butter or a big ole glass of lemon water. Decisions, decisions… You’ve decided on the snack that you already had in mind before you made it to the kitchen. Was it the creamy butter pecan ice cream, the chips or cookies, or all three? Either way, you’ve decided to indulge for however long it takes you to devour this food. Yes, you’re in heaven. It’s the best Guilty Pleasure you’ve had in almost 24hrs, and you don’t care what artery clogging disease comes of this until you’re finished.  

Suddenly, you feel remorseful; you wish you could turn back the hands of time to not so long ago. But you cannot; now you feel like a spoiled child and a food junkie all in one. Yes, this feeling is possible… My husband has said, “I wish you felt the same way about having sex as you feel about eating food…” He got the blank stare. After all, what can I say, this love affair that I have with food is deep, it’s true and apparently unwavering. But it is artificial love, the endorphins trigger a nostalgic feeling similar to sex or morphine. Yes, I am comparing to this guilty pleasure to the same pleasure we receive during or after sex. Except no cigarette is needed.

So what can you do to replace this feeling? Of course sex is number one on the list, but working out and hot peppers have the same effect. I know it’s easier said than done. For instance, I love carbs, not pasta, but breads, sweet breads like pancakes and corn muffins. And I can’t forget about ice cream. Those are my Guilty Pleasures; I’m slowly learning to cut back and make wiser choices. We both know that the feeling we get from these foods are short lived, and I think that’s what we need to keep in mind… So what’s your Guilty Pleasure food?



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