Feed Your Soul


I am grateful for each and everyday, not the next day or the day before, but for the absolute present. I know that there is no promise of tomorrow, so I inhale deep, and smile. I used to worry about the next day and the day After. Then I realized that I wasted energy and time on what I could not predict.

So now the question remains, how do we feed our souls? In my writings I refer to the “inner being” that nobody gets to see as the soul. I’m saying that the core of who you are, or at least who you strive to become is your soul. She/he needs to be fed goodness and truth. Feeding your soul starts simply by listening to it.

Our inner being speaks to us on a daily basis during those questionable moments, like, ” wouldn’t you rather be somewhere else, doing something else? Aren’t you bored with this job, your college major, the relationship you’re in?” It’s the real you talking to you. Now whether or not you choose to listen is up to you. But I can almost guarantee you’ll like the results you get from listening and doing. See it’s the action you take that will make the difference in your life. Only you can dictate what feeds “your soul”. For me, it’s writing, it’s the outdoors, not like being in the deep woods, but taking a nice walk in the park, or even a long drive. Also, Listening to music on a long drive helps. This gives me time to reflect on my life and goals, even the people in my life. What or who feeds your soul? If you have no answers, you’re not listening hard enough. Go somewhere you like to visit, not a noisy place, somewhere peaceful, stay away from negative energy. Find a place where you can breathe.

Image Credit: http://blog.dateiitians.com/2013/12/is-love-the-voice-of-your-inner-soul/