Fat Girls Finish First… 

Photo Credit: VF.com

Photo Credit: VF.com

Believe it or not, fat girls finish first or is it last? There’s truly no answer depending on where you stand from the visual aspect. If you asked me or want my opinion, it’s all about perspective. But isn’t it about health as well. I mean, I was never with the Fat Girl or Skinny Girl movement…

I’ve always been with the Healthy Fit Girl movement. With that in mind, let us say, “Thick or Full” a lot of people take offense to the word “Fat”. And I used to take offense to the word “fat” but now I really don’t care.

Again, it’s all about perspective. I’ve been told that I have a fat ass.

Photo Credit: trulyafricanblogspot

Photo Credit: trulyafricanblogspot

But trust me when I tell you that is/was truly a compliment. Yes, I have a butt… And yes, it is big. I get it.

Thank God for big booty

celebs, serena_beach-400x470if it weren’t for them, most full figured thick women would still be looked at and treated like Venus Hottentot

But seriously, most men will admit to wanting a lady with a lil more meat on her bones, something to fill out her clothes and definitely something to hold on to in the bedroom and more especially cushion for the pushin… But a lot of guys won’t always approach a fill figure female. Are they intimidated by these beautiful Amazonian women or is it that they  just can’t handle us?

Today, full figures are on the rise and actually becoming more accepted into the mainstream of soci10469387_10152475159127611_47909864542125700_nety and media. Women everywhere are gracefully accepting their bountiful curves as a blessing instead of a curse. Clothes are now made to fit and accentuate fill figures instead of big bulky clothes that are supposed to hide fuller shapes. But on the topic of health, “you are what you eat”. And size does not always play a role in how our insides contribute to the overall health of a person. If you’re taking in junk, skinny or not; it simply isn’t healthy and is bound to catch up with you sooner or later.

So, do thick woman finish first? I think just being in the race is what matters. Now whether you finish first or last is up you… And size has nothing to do with it. Keeping in mind that this only applies to us women; besides, I don’t want men to get their hopes too high. I’m just keeping it Real…Photo on 11-6-14 at 1.03 PM