Fat Girls Finish First… 

Photo Credit: VF.com

Photo Credit: VF.com

Believe it or not, fat girls finish first or is it last? There’s truly no answer depending on where you stand from the visual aspect. If you asked me or want my opinion, it’s all about perspective. But isn’t it about health as well. I mean, I was never with the Fat Girl or Skinny Girl movement…

I’ve always been with the Healthy Fit Girl movement. With that in mind, let us say, “Thick or Full” a lot of people take offense to the word “Fat”. And I used to take offense to the word “fat” but now I really don’t care.

Again, it’s all about perspective. I’ve been told that I have a fat ass.

Photo Credit: trulyafricanblogspot

Photo Credit: trulyafricanblogspot

But trust me when I tell you that is/was truly a compliment. Yes, I have a butt… And yes, it is big. I get it.

Thank God for big booty

celebs, serena_beach-400x470if it weren’t for them, most full figured thick women would still be looked at and treated like Venus Hottentot

But seriously, most men will admit to wanting a lady with a lil more meat on her bones, something to fill out her clothes and definitely something to hold on to in the bedroom and more especially cushion for the pushin… But a lot of guys won’t always approach a fill figure female. Are they intimidated by these beautiful Amazonian women or is it that they  just can’t handle us?

Today, full figures are on the rise and actually becoming more accepted into the mainstream of soci10469387_10152475159127611_47909864542125700_nety and media. Women everywhere are gracefully accepting their bountiful curves as a blessing instead of a curse. Clothes are now made to fit and accentuate fill figures instead of big bulky clothes that are supposed to hide fuller shapes. But on the topic of health, “you are what you eat”. And size does not always play a role in how our insides contribute to the overall health of a person. If you’re taking in junk, skinny or not; it simply isn’t healthy and is bound to catch up with you sooner or later.

So, do thick woman finish first? I think just being in the race is what matters. Now whether you finish first or last is up you… And size has nothing to do with it. Keeping in mind that this only applies to us women; besides, I don’t want men to get their hopes too high. I’m just keeping it Real…Photo on 11-6-14 at 1.03 PM

The Gym brings: Blood, Sweat and Tears…

Today, I am at the gym, but it’s way too much like gym class this morning with all the tiny Orange cones, and the lines of bodies running and hopping over tiny obstacles with grace and then… There’s me, the Big One, the biggest one.
“But this is not gym class.”
Is what I thought to myself. Suddenly, I remember being the last one to be picked, and always at the back of line because I can’t keep up gymeven after taking two puffs of my embarrassing bright yellow asthma pump. We are splat in the center of the gym doing burpees, then frog hops and wide lunges. But these women are going fast, and twice my age and half my size and I can’t keep up. “Dear God, why can’t I keep up?!!! ” I can’t breathe, and suddenly the chubby little fat girl with the jerry curl, whose gym shorts keep riding up into her crotch has appeared and wants to roll into a little ball and, so what I do? I walk away, yup that’s right.
The kangaroos keep bouncing across the gym floor and I run into the woman’s locker room. Keyword is “women’s” locker room, but it doesn’t matter because in this moment, I am that little girl I just described. Then a woman comes into the locker room. Probably one of the bouncy ones with toned arms and ripped abs. Okay, yes I maybe over doing it. I didn’t see her face or body.
“Is someone in here from the Fit class?” She queried. I wasn’t hiding but I wasn’t responding either. I couldn’t go back out there; especially after walking out. How could the size 4’s understand what I was going through for one moment? (That’s a rhetorical question) She asked a few more times and gave up, she left the locker room.  Then I cried in my towel, the white gym towel whose threads felt like sandpaper. I cried because I’d given up yet again. I cried because I’d successfully managed to gain back all of the weight I’d lost years ago. I cried because freakin asthma kept me from running and the fat did too… And I’d cried because I was crying and crying wasn’t going to do a damn thing to change it. Eventually, after scrapping my skin off with the gym towel, I went back out to the gym and finished my workout alone. I didn’t leave the gym, I wasn’t mad or upset with anyone but myself, but I am a work in progress and the road to better health is no easy road.
Through it all, we have to put in the work. Believe it or not, we worked our butts off to gain weight. I mean really, this didn’t happen overnight. It happened over the course of a couple of years and for others months. So no, you won’t just breathe, pray, eat and love and watch the weight just melt off. With this in mind, we must process that our weight-fitnssblckwomanloss journeys will be anything but painless and difficult. It will be a test of our willpower and most of it is all mental. Our stomachs may dictate when we’re hungry, but it is ultimately us who decide what to food put into our mouths, and which; as well as, how much of it goes in.

Guilty Pleasures… What’s Yours?


So what is it about this eating thing that brings us pleasure the very moment food touches our lips. The aroma draws us in, we softly close our eyes and imagine the taste and texture. Our guards are down and before you know it, you’re open… It’s like a booty call at 3am, and it becomes a battle of being good, or having a small taste and being naughty. Naughty wins, as you head to the kitchen in the dark, you don’t even bother with turning on the lights. You don’t want anyone to see or hear you. You softly open the cabinets, then the frig, then the cabinets again, then back to the frig… Should you have fruit, how about some Greek Yogurt, a spoon full of peanut butter or a big ole glass of lemon water. Decisions, decisions… You’ve decided on the snack that you already had in mind before you made it to the kitchen. Was it the creamy butter pecan ice cream, the chips or cookies, or all three? Either way, you’ve decided to indulge for however long it takes you to devour this food. Yes, you’re in heaven. It’s the best Guilty Pleasure you’ve had in almost 24hrs, and you don’t care what artery clogging disease comes of this until you’re finished.  

Suddenly, you feel remorseful; you wish you could turn back the hands of time to not so long ago. But you cannot; now you feel like a spoiled child and a food junkie all in one. Yes, this feeling is possible… My husband has said, “I wish you felt the same way about having sex as you feel about eating food…” He got the blank stare. After all, what can I say, this love affair that I have with food is deep, it’s true and apparently unwavering. But it is artificial love, the endorphins trigger a nostalgic feeling similar to sex or morphine. Yes, I am comparing to this guilty pleasure to the same pleasure we receive during or after sex. Except no cigarette is needed.

So what can you do to replace this feeling? Of course sex is number one on the list, but working out and hot peppers have the same effect. I know it’s easier said than done. For instance, I love carbs, not pasta, but breads, sweet breads like pancakes and corn muffins. And I can’t forget about ice cream. Those are my Guilty Pleasures; I’m slowly learning to cut back and make wiser choices. We both know that the feeling we get from these foods are short lived, and I think that’s what we need to keep in mind… So what’s your Guilty Pleasure food?



Professional Dieter… Are you one?

I've read about 80% of these books

I’ve read about 80% of these books

During a leisure conversation at work I mentioned my undying quest for weight-loss. Within an instant one of my co-workers began spewing off her diet tips. It went something like this only with a strong Spanish accent, ” You know what you do… You gotta cut all shoogers (sugars) from your diet, and when I say shoogers I mean all fruit too… Oh, and carbs too, you gotta cut the carbs out completely.” I just looked at her with a blank expression. “What? You don’t believe me?” she’d asked me looking as though she was insulted. So many diets and diet rules began to swim in and out of my mind, the ones that worked and the ones that didn’t, counting calories and handfuls of this food, eat this not that. I was dazed for a second as I stood over my mailbox with a pile of papers in my hand. I said, “I know what to do, and what to eat, when to eat it and how much. I’m a Professional Dieter.” My co-workers laughed. “A professional Dieter?” I nodded my head yes with a humble smile. “I feel you…” one of them responded. Our conversation ended. I didn’t feel the need to prove that I’d known what to eat and how to eat it, for it didn’t matter if I wasn’t applying any of my healthy eating knowledge, to my actual life. Truth is, I’d been on a diet almost half of my life. Seriously, I think that I started my first diet when I was around eight-years-old. I remember sitting alone on the steps just outside of my building in East Orange, NJ. It was summertime and I had on some average length shorts. I kept looking down at my chubby legs, I remember repositioning them, first I crossed them, then I held them together tightly. This position made them look slim, and then I told myself something that’s probably not even genetically possible. I told myself that I would one day have skinny legs. Today, I think skinny legs are unattractive, but as a young girl skinny legs were in. So at eight-years-old I began the Bahamian Diet, a diet created by Dick Gregory in 1987. The Bahamian Diet was/is a powdered, meal replacement drink that like most drinks, are to aid in weight-loss. For a majority of the day my father would mix the powder with orange juice and we would drink it. It was nasty, it tasted like sand mixed with juice, but eventually I grew accustom to its taste. It didn’t matter, I didn’t lose any weight and I was always hungry. My mom thought it would be good if we tried Nutrisystem since it involved actually eating food. It seemed simple enough, all we had to do was order a meal plan. Within days this big box arrived at our home, and since we were hungry we decided to try out a few of the meals, notice I said a few of the meals. Long story short, I would uncontrollably eat about two meals at one time, resulting in no weight-loss. I can go on and on into my adulthood about the woes of my dieting life. The problem was and still is that the thought of dieting represents deprivation of some sort. When the reality is simple, all we need to do is get off of these diets. The mind-set of being on a diet has created this warped idea of starvation, fasting, taking fat-burners, and the need to take a colon cleanser. No one stops to think about the real steps that it takes towards being healthy. It’s not about starvation and just looking good or better in our clothing. It’s about how we feel on the inside, living longer, feeling good, and whether our skin is glowing or not. I mean after all who wants grey skin???Lets be real, who cares how you look on the outside if you feel like crap inside. In my mid-twenties I’d woke up one morning and I got tired of being fat. I was tired of the yo-yo dieting, and quick fixes of fat-burners that never worked. I decided to actually use my gym membership and get a trainer. Within almost 10 months I’d managed to revamp how I saw weight-loss and food. I’d lost almost 85-90 pounds. How did I do it? I ate way less junk, I began eating 5 small meals a day and working out 5-6 days a week without fail. My trainer would say, “If you’re well enough to go to work, then you’re well enough to work out.” There was no magic to it, well I guess it may have seemed like magic now that I managed to gain all plus more of the weight back. Which leads to my main reason for writing this Blog to you. If you’re like me, a professional dieter then it’s time for us to get real. I’ve read numerous books on health written by some of the best weight doctors and fitness coaches and I’ve probably dabbed in almost every quick fix possible. I’ve tried cutting out meat, breads and sugars. I know the best foods to eat to burn fat, all of the natural supplements to add into my daily regimen. I’ve been on the cabbage soup diet, the lemon-aid diet etc. The truth is none of the above worked long-term for me. Let’s get off diets and get on with life. Just take a look at the first three letters in the word (D.I.E). So now, I’m challenging you and myself to seek optimal health… How, you maybe asking? If you haven’t already done so, figure out what works best for you. Go see a nutritionists and for goodness sake please, please work-out. I will be documenting my progress and keeping a diary of my personal woes towards health and fitness, and I invite you to join me in sharing this journey. After all, I’m a recovering Professional Dieter and I know that a diet isn’t something temporary, your eating has to be a life style change, something you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life healthily and happily.

Get Fit or Die Tryin…


What does it take to make a real change? Everyday we restart the diet weight loss clock. We eat healthy, at times we deprive ourselves from the foods we love. We cry, we sacrifice and then we eat, we feel guilty. We pray, we promise to change. But we never do…



After gaining over 100 lbs. I knew that I had to make a decision. The options were clear, have weight loss surgery, or lose the weight naturally. Those were or are my choices, there is no magic pill, no quick fix that doesn’t come with long-term side effects, good or bad. Overall, I wanted to feel and look healthy. I am tired of being overweight and wearing ugly clothes that make me look and feel 20 years older than I am. Not to mention, that I would love to wear heels again. See, these are the silent issues we overweight gals deal with. It ain’t pretty and it sure is NOT comfortable.

My story begins in the fall of 2013, I’d decided to get the weight loss surgery. I’d done plenty of research, talk to people who have the surgery, watched YouTube videos, and saw their results. I was ready, my doctor recommended the Adjustable Band, I wanted the Sleeve. There were too many issues with the Adjustable Band, including slippage and infection which is expected with all surgeries. My next step was to do blood work, surprisingly, my numbers were superb, I was low on Vitamin D and that was all. Secretly, I was hoping for bad news, hoping it would push me to want to change. It was at this point, I decided to opt out of having the surgery.

I kept thinking of the issues the surgery may create by having the surgery. My love of food and certain beverages stuck out as well. What if I could no longer have my Cappuccinos or Caffeine fixes, how about cheese. I thought of having access skin. I reminded myself that I wouldn’t be fixing the problem at hand, which was overeating.

This was my mindset, and I could not kick the junky, sweetie, fried food. It wasn’t until my back began to ache as though I IMG_1056was in a wrestling match and lost. I knew it was my weight, I have 2 herniated disc from a car accident that took place 13 years ago. The fact of the matter is, that I needed to get focused and so I did… Check back weekly for my progress and or feel free to join me.