Fat Girls Finish First… 

Photo Credit: VF.com

Photo Credit: VF.com

Believe it or not, fat girls finish first or is it last? There’s truly no answer depending on where you stand from the visual aspect. If you asked me or want my opinion, it’s all about perspective. But isn’t it about health as well. I mean, I was never with the Fat Girl or Skinny Girl movement…

I’ve always been with the Healthy Fit Girl movement. With that in mind, let us say, “Thick or Full” a lot of people take offense to the word “Fat”. And I used to take offense to the word “fat” but now I really don’t care.

Again, it’s all about perspective. I’ve been told that I have a fat ass.

Photo Credit: trulyafricanblogspot

Photo Credit: trulyafricanblogspot

But trust me when I tell you that is/was truly a compliment. Yes, I have a butt… And yes, it is big. I get it.

Thank God for big booty

celebs, serena_beach-400x470if it weren’t for them, most full figured thick women would still be looked at and treated like Venus Hottentot

But seriously, most men will admit to wanting a lady with a lil more meat on her bones, something to fill out her clothes and definitely something to hold on to in the bedroom and more especially cushion for the pushin… But a lot of guys won’t always approach a fill figure female. Are they intimidated by these beautiful Amazonian women or is it that they  just can’t handle us?

Today, full figures are on the rise and actually becoming more accepted into the mainstream of soci10469387_10152475159127611_47909864542125700_nety and media. Women everywhere are gracefully accepting their bountiful curves as a blessing instead of a curse. Clothes are now made to fit and accentuate fill figures instead of big bulky clothes that are supposed to hide fuller shapes. But on the topic of health, “you are what you eat”. And size does not always play a role in how our insides contribute to the overall health of a person. If you’re taking in junk, skinny or not; it simply isn’t healthy and is bound to catch up with you sooner or later.

So, do thick woman finish first? I think just being in the race is what matters. Now whether you finish first or last is up you… And size has nothing to do with it. Keeping in mind that this only applies to us women; besides, I don’t want men to get their hopes too high. I’m just keeping it Real…Photo on 11-6-14 at 1.03 PM

Feed Your Soul


I am grateful for each and everyday, not the next day or the day before, but for the absolute present. I know that there is no promise of tomorrow, so I inhale deep, and smile. I used to worry about the next day and the day After. Then I realized that I wasted energy and time on what I could not predict.

So now the question remains, how do we feed our souls? In my writings I refer to the “inner being” that nobody gets to see as the soul. I’m saying that the core of who you are, or at least who you strive to become is your soul. She/he needs to be fed goodness and truth. Feeding your soul starts simply by listening to it.

Our inner being speaks to us on a daily basis during those questionable moments, like, ” wouldn’t you rather be somewhere else, doing something else? Aren’t you bored with this job, your college major, the relationship you’re in?” It’s the real you talking to you. Now whether or not you choose to listen is up to you. But I can almost guarantee you’ll like the results you get from listening and doing. See it’s the action you take that will make the difference in your life. Only you can dictate what feeds “your soul”. For me, it’s writing, it’s the outdoors, not like being in the deep woods, but taking a nice walk in the park, or even a long drive. Also, Listening to music on a long drive helps. This gives me time to reflect on my life and goals, even the people in my life. What or who feeds your soul? If you have no answers, you’re not listening hard enough. Go somewhere you like to visit, not a noisy place, somewhere peaceful, stay away from negative energy. Find a place where you can breathe.

Image Credit: http://blog.dateiitians.com/2013/12/is-love-the-voice-of-your-inner-soul/

In Case you missed the S on My Chest…


I was Waiting on Superman, but he was running late and got upstaged by Wonderwoman who I almost didn’t recognize because she was half-naked and ready for the runway…

Not to mention she forgot her cape; she told me something about it being dirty and in the dry cleaners, so she had to borrow mines. And since I’m always busy trying to: save the world, cook, clean, break up petty fights, set things straight, working, verbally and emotionally supporting others, wiping the tears of others, convincing others that my family and I are worthy of a better life while still trying to pave a way for others to follow so it won’t be as difficult for them to get or have opportunities; I just so happened to have a spare cape that she could use because my other 9 were in the dry cleaners too.

She looked me up and down, and then asked what would I do without my last clean cape on hand. What if someone needs me??? I then opened my shirt revealing the capital (S) etched into my flesh, centered at the very middle of my chest. I said, “Lately, most people don’t recognize me as Superwoman, Supermom, Super-wife, super daughter or the like… They see me as Super-tired and frustrated, Super burnt out, Super angry, super weary…” Before I could finish my little rant, Superman finally arrived super-duper late and he wasn’t even in costume.

He looked a mess, he was unshaven in tattered pajamas with socks and slippers on. Shortly after, he started to list his excuses as to why he was running late, I grew Super bored, and closed the door in his face; while at the same time Wonderwoman continued to query me some more. I began to wonder why she was even there. I gently pushed her out of the door, and out of my way. I snatched my cape back, decided to handle my own and took flight, for way too much time had been wasted on simply trying to get someone else’s help and assistance.

Was I tired, frustrated and angry? Yes… Does that mean I should stop to complain or give-up? Heck No…
And although I may appear to be tired or worn out. I’m not… So Just In case you’re confused about the S etched across my chest it stands for: Super Sexy and all of the above and more. I’m ready to Save them… How about you? And Should you ever need an extra cape, I have one waiting.

As always, please “Like” http://www.beautifuljoi.com & “Share” and feel free comment…

End of The Semester Burn-out…



If it hasn’t already happened, it’s coming…

Say Hello to the End of the Semester Burn-out, for it’s bound to welcome you with opens arms, shower you with late nights and early mornings of caffeine and tired eyes. Even your brain will turn on you during this time, but it’s okay. This is only proof that you’ve worked your butt off to earn that ‘A‘ or ‘C‘.

Fear not, your burn-out is a sign of the good that’s ahead, and soon you will have earned your title of being an academic athlete. That’s right, your brain is a muscle and like any other muscle in the body it needs to worked-out and exercised. Therefore, if you’re experiencing brain fatigue and or mental burn-out it’s perfectly natural. What you must keep in mind is balance. We often neglect to treat our mind like it is a muscle and therefore, it must be treated as such, so give that hard-working brain of yours a rest.

Here are a few simple tips to maintain your sanity:

  • Change your scenery, if you’re used to studying in a library or in your room alone, it’s time to change it up. Go to a local coffee shop and sit next to a window, try Barnes & Nobles, Create a small study group and study outdoors.
  • Take a small rest, let your mind stop, do lazy brain activities like watch TV, go see a movie or talk on the phone with a classmate or fold clothes.
  • Last but not least Breathe… Before you know it your semester will be over.

To Thy Own Self Be True…



There are various times in our lives where we hide behind the lies we live by. Therefore, our lives are no longer life; they become routine, or this comfortable regimen that we’ve created. When this happens we are no longer ourselves, we’re this character in a story waiting to be re-written, waiting for the next plot to happen. Life is all but too short for this. How do we break this routine? What is this routine where we find ourselves swimming in this Bermuda Triangle like life with no land in sight? Where have our dreams and desires gone, and most importantly how do we get them back?

You gotta dig deep within, and don’t be afraid of what you find in the rough lurking in the darkest corners of your soul. Sometimes you just have to let some things that you’ve been lugging around go. Sometimes it’s this false sense of security that’s holding us back from moving forward; as though we’re not ready for our own personalized joy and happiness that comes with life… How and why so many of us are afraid of success puzzles me to this very moment. Who other than your own creator knows you better than you know yourself. Know when to push, when to walk away, when to stay, when to run as fast as you can to or back, when to cry, when it’s time to apologize, when it’s time to hide, but most importantly know when it’s time to be you.

To Thy Own self Be True…. Only you can uncover you.. Ask yourself, “What makes me tick? Where am I my happiest? What am I really good at?” As always, LIKE, SHARE, and feel free to comment…


Feeling Stagnant???



Have you ever felt like you were going nowhere fast? Have you awaken in the middle of the night and the first thing in the morning dreading the next few hours of your life that encompasses work? Me too… These feelings easily stem from a job or the position we’re in at work that is not doing one or all of the following: Utilizing all of the skills we possess, our hard work goes unnoticed and or our jobs are boring, and even more obvious is that we’re simply in the wrong career.

This is step one to acknowledging that it’s time to move on… But not so fast, lets not be too hasty. You’ve got to have a plan, and part of that plan is knowing yourself. The Shakespeare adage is, “to thine own self be true” this means “not to deceive yourself” as many have already done so by pulling themselves into choosing careers for the sake of having money. People often think that it’s about the amount of money we earn at work and it’s not always the case. Please don’t misinterpret my thoughts, getting paid a decent amount does help, but who cares if 8-10 hours of your life is spent in misery. This feeling is completely draining and disorienting, we loath behind desks piled with lost hopes and dreams while mentally withering away. This is step two, where you begin to miss who you once were or used to be so much so that you start to think that the old you was a false depiction of your true self. Take this opportunity to get to know what truly makes you happy. See where you can apply your best skills. Take some time to do some serious soul searching, meditate on your thoughts talk only to your closest friend as they know you best and won’t steer you wrong. Soon there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and this is step three. You’ll have drafted a plan either in your mind or on paper and then it’s time to execute these plans. You won’t always get it right the first time and sometimes not even the second, but you will eventually get it right.

It’s important to be patient with yourself while you’re soul searching, accept whatever your limitations maybe while embracing your strengths. Before you know it you’ll no longer be feeling stagnant.

Like what you’ve read? Follow my Blog and Blog Fiction Series “Thoughts After Midnight” set to begin at 12 midnight on 2-27-13.